Ensuring students master essential literacy skills in the digital world is not just about making them good readers, but responsible digital citizens who can make informed decisions in a connected world.
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Simple technology solutions can be a powerful ally in creating a more inclusive and engaging classroom environment. It’s all about offering choices to foster differentiated learning so all types of students can perform at their peak ability on any given day. Check out these tips and tools of the trade from one of our Certified BrainPOP Educators.
Continue ReadingWhy These 9 Literacy Skills Are Every Teacher’s Best Kept Secret
There may be multiple theories on the best way to improve student’s literacy skills, but one thing is for sure: no matter the subject, students learn best when they see themselves reflected in learning.
Continue ReadingThe Best Lesson You’ll Ever Teach is Tomorrow’s with BrainPOP’s New Insights Reports
With BrainPOP’s new Insights Reports, shaping tomorrow’s lessons has never been more time-efficient or more impactful. Deliver meaningful learning experiences to students and get one step closer to going home on time with BrainPOP’s latest data tools.
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We knew when building our new Insights Reports that the best tools require expert guidance. Which is why BrainPOP turned to teachers for help!
Continue ReadingHow BrainPOP Supports Cross-Curricular Literacy
Discover how Mason Nichols, a reading interventionist, creatively integrates BrainPOP to cultivate literacy skills across subjects. Explore his innovative strategies and insights for seamless, engaging, skill-enriching learning experiences.
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